Centreboard Cup - Saturday Dec. 17, 2022

This is an annual event hosted by the team at the little old yacht club, the original Richmond Yacht Club building, on the shore at Marine Parade Reserve, Herne Bay.

The weather didn’t look that hopeful early – wet and windless – but by the time we were aboard the Watchman and cast off it had cleared and there was a nice nor’ nor’ easterly blowing.

Corona, Orion and Rangimanu were underway from Mullet Boat Harbour. Jonquil, a gaff rigged centreboard Herreshoff joined us off the club house where Komuri lived on her mooring. A small 2 masted sailing dinghy and a 2 manned class rowing dinghy started with the fleet at 1200 – signalled from the club house deck. The course was on the wind, through the moored boats to round Watchman Island, a tight reach to round Chelsea buoy, a spinnaker run back to the start mark – two laps. A steady breeze from the north and great sailing conditions – perhaps we should include the Herne Bay start mark as an option in Northerlies, tide permitting, in an upper harbour course for the Mullet Boats!

First across the line was Orion, followed by Rangimanu then it was a good sail back to the marina where we were home and stowed just as the rain set in for the day!

It was great to get out on the water after all the Haul-out hassles of the past weeks but it did remind me of why we are fighting so persistently to save all these facilities! And the battles continue – currently it is for The Landing at Okahu Bay, Little Shoal Bay and the Bayswater Marina.

Hope you all have a great Christmas & Holiday Break and the sun shines some times!!

Janet W.

Article added: Saturday 17 December 2022


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